The Rantings of a .NET developer in a Web 2.0 world.

Posts tagged “IT

Certification vs Graduation: The educational dilemma of the modern IT professional

Recently I was asked the following question by a colleague of mine in regards to IT education:

What do you think is better for someone in IT to have: A four-year degree from a college or university? Or, certification for their field of work?

The short answer: both, obviously. But what if one had to choose between the two? What then would be the best course of action?

Surviving in the IT world in an economic recession

In today’s economy everyone is trying to find ways to supplement their income they receive from their regular job, or try to replace the income they’ve lost due to cut backs at their place of employment. For others, they may find themselves looking for a new gig altogether. Despite having the luxury of working in the field of IT, web developers and designers are not immune to the woes of an economy in decline.

The IT Contract from Hell

Had an interesting and amusing story under wraps here for some time from For those of you thinking of going the consulting/contract route, please read this as a cautionary tale. For those of you already there, you’ll find the article amusing, maybe even bring back a few memories of horrible managers, bad clients, and projects gone wrong from the get go.
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